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Deadbolt Locks: What You Need to Know as a Homeowner

If you own or have just purchased a home, it is likely that any entrances to your home are already outfitted with deadbolt locks of some sort. Deadbolt locks are standard for homeowners to use to secure their properties and there are many good reasons why. Deadbolts do a great job of keeping your property secure. They allow homeowners to lock-up their homes when leaving and also to lock their doors from the inside at the end of the day.

Without deadbolt locks, most homeowners either have just a doorknob or a knob lock on their doors. For interior rooms, knob locks are fine. For exterior or exit doors, however, a knob lock by itself is not enough. Deadbolt locks usually work in conjunction with knob locks to help properly lock up one’s front door. Knob locks look just like doorknobs, except there is an option to lock the door using a small turn knob in the center of the knob lock. By themselves, a knob lock is not a good option for entrance or exit doors. Always make sure you pair knob locks on your doors that lead to and from your home with a sturdy deadbolt lock.

Two Types of Deadbolts

Did you know there are actually two kinds of deadbolt locks? The first you are most likely familiar with is known as a single cylinder deadbolt. These deadbolts operate through the use of a key on the exterior side of the lock and a turn knob on the interior side. These are the most popular kind of deadbolt lock since they are easy to operate, but also great for securing one’s home.

The second type of deadbolt you may not be as familiar with is known as a double cylinder deadbolt lock. Double cylinder deadbolts, instead of having a turn knob on the interior side of the lock, it also has a key slot. With a key slot on both sides of the deadbolt lock, one needs a key to lock or unlock the door from either side. Double cylinder deadbolt locks are not as convenient, but they are more secure than a single cylinder deadbolts.

Securing Your Garage

In addition to the front, side, and back doors of your home, make sure that any doors connected to your garage also have deadbolts, especially if you have a garage that is attached to your home. Some homeowners may neglect to secure doors leading to one’s garage, but this is not a good idea. A knob lock is not sufficient enough to stop an intruder from entering your home if they are able to break-in to your garage first. Always make sure that you have a sturdy deadbolt placed on any doors that lead to and from your garage and into your home.

Electronic Deadbolt Locks

If you want more security and protection than a standard deadbolt can offer, but you still like the look or feel of a deadbolt, know that you can upgrade to an electronic deadbolt. Electronic deadbolts work with a passcode or pin code to allow for entry, but some models may also be used in conjunction with one’s current deadbolt lock or key. If you are interested in any kind of electronic locks, know that hiring an expert will be required. Locksmiths trained in electronic lock and keyless entry lock installations should be able to help you install electronic deadbolts of your very own. Some models even work with or can connect to your smartphone, allowing you to effectively use your smartphone as your key instead of a traditional key.

For Home and Apartment Renters

If currently renting your home or apartment, it should be noted that you should always check with your property management before making any kind of changes or upgrades to your deadbolt locks. Most of the time, if there is some sort of issue with your deadbolts and you a renter, you can have the locks replaced by the complex at no charge. However, if you replace or change a deadbolt yourself, this may be in conflict with your lease agreement. Always be sure to check your rental contract or ask the leasing office before making any kind of changes.

Hire an Expert for Replacements

Even though homeowners have the option to purchase and install deadbolt locks themselves, this may not be the best way to go about securing your home. Deadbolt lock replacements and installments can be tricky and if you attempt to replace your home locks yourself, you may find yourself frustrated or with a damaged door lock. Professional locksmiths assist with lock replacements of all kinds, especially deadbolt locks. Hiring an experienced locksmith to help you with your deadbolts will give you peace of mind. By working with a locksmith, you will know for sure that the functioning, positioning, and placement of your new locks is correct.

Upgrade Your Deadbolt Locks Today!

Deadbolt lock upgrades or replacements should always be performed by a professional. Some homeowners may opt to replace their own deadbolt locks, but it is always best to have a trained eye oversee any installations in order to help keep your home secure. Any kind of deadbolt lock replacement that is not done properly may make it easier for someone to break-in to your home. Always choose an expert that has experience with deadbolt hardware and replacement procedures before attempting to make any changes of your own.

Madison, Ohio homeowners can contact Madison OH Locksmith for the best services when it comes to maintaining their locks or replacing them with new ones. We also can make new keys for you, adjust any locks as necessary in order to help them work properly, and much more! We offer the lowest prices in the area for our locksmithing services and promise to stay within your budget whenever you hire our locksmiths. The lock and key services you need are available now through the trusted experts at Madison OH Locksmith! Call and reserve your appointment slot today!