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Signs Around Your Home That Better Security is Needed

Everyone likes to think of their home as their little piece of comfort and security in this world. That may not be the case though. There are always things present around a home that may indicate your home security situation is not being kept at the level it should. When these warning signs appear they need to be noticed and steps are taken to fill the gaps in your home security that these signs point out. It’s an absolute must that any homeowner be proactive in this respect. Here are some signs that the security in and around your home is in need of improvement.

Area Homes Have Been Broken Into Many Times Recently

Most homes in big neighborhoods were built at the same time using similar construction materials. This goes for the locks that protect them too. If there has been a string of burglaries and break-ins in your neighborhood this could be a sign that the locks that came on your home may not offer enough protection for you. This would be a good time to contact a professional locksmith and have them inspect all of the locks at your home. After they are done inspecting your home’s locks, follow closely their advice on how you can improve your home security.

Your Yard Is Poorly Lit Up At Night

It’s no secret that thieves are attracted to homes that offer the least chance of them getting caught. One of the main ways thieves avoid detection when breaking into and entering a home is to do it at night. They will look for dimly lit places in your yard where they can advance toward windows or doors virtually unprotected. Thieves will also go out of their way to avoid areas around your home that are well lit. That’s why improving your exterior lighting will go a long way toward improving your home security. A few strategically placed motion-sensing lights will not cost you much and help deter would-be thieves from coming into your yard.

Some Locks Appear To Be Worn, Damaged or Corroded

Be proactive when it comes to maintaining the locks around your home. You can do this by simply checking the condition of window, garage and door locks periodically. It’s a pretty safe bet that locks that are starting to corrode or look the worse for wear are not protecting your home as well as they should. Get these locks replaced or repaired as quickly as possible to help make your home safer and more secure. They are lots of modern locking options available that offer convenience and help make your home security better.

You Don’t Have a Home Surveillance System

We already mentioned that thieves are attracted to homes where they are least likely to be caught breaking into them. What is one of the main reasons that thieves get caught? If you guessed being identified on a home surveillance system you would be absolutely right. By having a home surveillance system installed you not only stand a better chance of catching thieves that enter into your home, but you may also just deter them enough so they never even try to break into it.

There Are Out Of Date Locks Protecting Your Home

Do you own an older home? If you do, then chances are many of the locks you have on doors and windows have become outdated. This will greatly hurt the security of any home. That’s why it’s always a good idea to have a locksmith come to your home every few years and check the types of locking mechanisms you have on important security doors and windows. They can identify which locks are out of date and make suggestions for proper replacements.

You Have Not Changed Your Master Keys in a While

Here’s a biggie that really hurts your home security. Most people think leaving keys for yard service people, pet sitters, contractors, and contractors make it convenient to help these people do their jobs. It also gives these people an opportunity to duplicate any keys you have if they are less than honest and see something the like around your home as they are working. So if you have been leaving keys for friends, workers, and relatives a lot it’s a sign your home may have less security than you think. Remastering your keys on a periodic basis will help to alleviate some of this worry.

You Do Not Have Secondary Locks Such As Deadbolts Providing Extra Security for Entry Doors

Relying on simple keyed door locks with spring activated tumblers alone to provide door security is a big mistake. It’s always a good idea to have secondary locks installed on all the exterior doors of your home. The best locks at providing extra security in this situation are deadbolt locks. These are tough locks that are backed up by reinforcing plates and they are extremely difficult to pick unlike conventional spring-activated tumbler style locks. A locksmith can easily install these inexpensive locks for you that will take your exterior door security to a much higher level.

The Locks on Your Windows Are Those That Came Preinstalled From the Factory

Just because those new vinyl windows you purchased look good does not mean they are providing you with the window security that you need at your home. Although factory window locks have improved over the years, security professionals will tell you that they still fall short when it comes to protecting your home as much as possible. That does not have to be the case. These days your local locksmith has options available that will greatly help improve your home window security.

Locksmith companies such as Madison OH locksmith out of Madison, Ohio can take a look at your home windows and come up with a solution to greatly improve the security they offer you. Once a locksmith has assessed your window security situation, they will then get locks that offer higher window security installed on them.